Wednesday, August 21, 2013

First Blog Post :)

     My name is Lisa Smith. I am a senior Computer Science major at the College of Charleston, and this is my first blog post for CSCI 362 (Software Engingering) course. In this post, I will be answering exercise questions posed in the ninth edition Software Engineering text book by Ian Somerville.

1.3 What are 4 important attributes that all professional software should have? Suggest 4 other attributes that may sometimes be significant. 

All professional software should:

  • Deliver the required functionality
  • Be maintainable
  • Be dependable
  • Be usable
4 other useful attributes of software:
  • Be trustworthy - the software should do its function 
  • Be secure for the users involved
  • Be consistent - the software should work each time it is in use
  • Be comprehensible - the user should understand how to use the program

1.8 Discuss whether professional engineers should be certified in the same way as doctors or lawyers. 

    Because of the extent of software engineering in everyday activity, I believe software engineers should go through certification. A higher level of skill and training should be required in order to have a part in the everyday lives of people. However, I do not think the certification should be as long as a doctor's training. Software engineering can involve the lives of people in its hands, but it is not always that way like it is in the medical field. 

1.9 Suggest an example that illustrates each clause in the ACM/IEEE Code of Ethics.

  • A software engineer thinks of an app to help people get to work faster by finding the quickest route. 
  • A software engineer does not use their position and customer access to invade on the privacy of the customers of a company. 
  • A coder tests their work many times until they know it can be useful to a specified customer. 

  • The managers of software engineering projects lead by example by following all of the following clauses themselves. 
  • A coder uses a piece of their colleagues code, and cites this use in the comment section of their program. 
  • A software engineer at encourages ways to advance their co-worker's project. 
  • A recent Computer Science graduate, continues to code, and learn new practices in their free time. They do this by reading text book, working with other coders, and using products and thinking of ways to improve them.


   This specific example goes against the Code of Ethics proposed by IEEE and ACM. If one takes part in this they will specifically be going against the PUBLIC clause. To modify this and make the project fall in line the code of ethics, the software engineer would have to ask for consent from the public. 

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